Tag: talk
The Last Twenty Years of Software Development Richard Campbell - NDC London ...
Immutable Infrastructure at Scale
BahnMining - Pünktlichkeit ist eine Zier (David Kriesel)
Top hacker shows us how it's done | Pablos Holman | TEDxMidwest
Git Internals by John Britton of GitHub - CS50 Tech Talk
Managing Data in Microservices
Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way
Making C Less Dangerous in the Linux kernel
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
The Apache Software Foundation: History, Mission & Vision (Rich Bowen, Apach...
Power Use of UNIX • Dan North • GOTO 2013
Scrum at Scale • Jeff Sutherland • GOTO 2015
Scrum: How to do twice as much in half the time | Jeff Sutherland | TEDxAix
What went wrong with the IT-industry? - James Coplien
Frank Abagnale | Catch Me If You Can | Talks at Google
AgileByExample 2013: Jeff Sutherland - Keynote
Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to Microservices
The death of Agile - Allen Holub
The Art of Code - Dylan Beattie