Autoscaling with HashiCorp Nomad | stackconf 2021
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Autoscaling with HashiCorp Nomad | stackconf 2021

Consul Infrastructure Recipes
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Consul Infrastructure Recipes

Operating Jobs at Scale with Nomad
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Operating Jobs at Scale with Nomad

Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future | Raffaello D'Andrea
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Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future | Raffaello D'Andrea

Festo's Fantastical Flying Robots
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Festo's Fantastical Flying Robots

Mitchell Hashimoto Introduces Consul Connect
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Mitchell Hashimoto Introduces Consul Connect

Immutable Infrastructure at Scale
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Immutable Infrastructure at Scale

Nomad and Next-generation Application Architectures
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Nomad and Next-generation Application Architectures

Kelsey, Kubernetes, and GitOps - GitHub Universe 2020
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Kelsey, Kubernetes, and GitOps - GitHub Universe 2020

DJ_DAVE - GitHub Universe 2020
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DJ_DAVE - GitHub Universe 2020

What UNIX Cost Us - Benno Rice (LCA 2020)
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What UNIX Cost Us - Benno Rice (LCA 2020)

Optimize for Time
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Optimize for Time

Systems that run forever self-heal and scale by Joe Armstrong (2013)
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Systems that run forever self-heal and scale by Joe Armstrong (2013)

How Netflix Scales Its API with GraphQL Federation
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How Netflix Scales Its API with GraphQL Federation

Cloud Native Meetup Romandie - 25.03.2021
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Cloud Native Meetup Romandie - 25.03.2021

Evolution of Edge @Netflix
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Evolution of Edge @Netflix

The hardest part of microservices is your data
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The hardest part of microservices is your data

Uptime 15,364 days - The Computers of Voyager by Aaron Cummings
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Uptime 15,364 days - The Computers of Voyager by Aaron Cummings

Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer
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Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer

Nomad - The Hard Way
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Nomad - The Hard Way